Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Start of new tradition(s).

Carmel Bar Food.


Some Canlas Inspirato.

Point Pinos. Lighthouse.

Point Pinos living room

Waiting for the car in Forest Hills. Damn CPUs, Diet Coke and expired Budweisers.

To The Gods of Sea and Sky

RockQuixote fighting windmills in Emma Wood,

"A Summer Soldier,"

"A Sunshine Patriot."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Earl of McLoone

Matt roughing it in Big Sur. (Sitting by the fire trying the internet on his iPhone).

Earl of McLoone

What Matt looks like while editing right now, and after I fixed Brett's new 5d settings.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapel, Mont St. Michel

Another one from France last summer.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Paris Rag-Time

I was going over pictures today for a project and I came across our Honeymoon photos. I forgot about these; Julie hadn't even seen some. Ireland kinda stole my focus last year.